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Tuesday, 04 April 2023 00:00

Osteoarthritis and the Feet

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is a type of arthritis that causes a gradual deterioration of the cartilage in joints. It is common in the feet, and it can lead to joint pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Osteoarthritis in the feet can happen from injury to the feet and chronic inflammation in a joint that results in wear and tear of the cartilage covering the joint. While there is no cure for OA, there are lifestyle changes and other options that may provide relief. Among them are low-impact exercises to build muscle and strengthen joints, maintaining a healthy body weight, and using orthotics in shoes. Surgery is also a possible treatment option for OA in the feet. Complications can arise from not treating OA, such as the development of bunions, calluses and corns, hallux rigidus, or stiffness in the big toe. If you suffer from osteoarthritis and it is causing pain in your feet or interfering with the quality of your life, it is suggested that you contact a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and treatment options that may make you more comfortable.

Arthritis can be a difficult condition to live with. If you are seeking treatment, contact Barry P. Weinstein, DPM from Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Arthritic Foot Care  

Arthritis is a joint disorder that involves the inflammation of different joints in your body, such as those in your feet. Arthritis is often caused by a degenerative joint disease and causes mild to severe pain in all affected areas. In addition to this, swelling and stiffness in the affected joints can also be a common symptom of arthritis.

In many cases, wearing ill-fitting shoes can worsen the effects and pain of arthritis. Wearing shoes that have a lower heel and extra room can help your feet feel more comfortable. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, the arch in your foot may become problematic. Buying shoes with proper arch support that contour to your feet can help immensely.

Alleviating Arthritic Pain

  • Exercises that stretch the foot can prevent further pain and injury and increase mobility
  • Most of the pain can be alleviated with anti-inflammatory drugs, heat, and topical medications
  • Massages can help temporarily alleviate pain.

It is best to see your doctor for the treatment that is right for your needs and symptoms. Conditions vary, and a podiatrist can help you determine the right method of care for your feet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about How to Care for Your Arthritic Foot
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 00:00

Causes and Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails

The first sign of an ingrown toenail is pain that continues to get worse. This will be followed by swelling and redness as the nail continues to become embedded into the skin surrounding it. The chief cause of an ingrown toenail is the improper cutting of a toenail, most often on the big toe. In some cases, an ingrown toenail can become infected, especially if the skin around the toenail is cut. This can occur during a pedicure where the skin is accidentally pierced. Wearing shoes with a narrow toe box can make the formation of an ingrown toenail worse and cause more pain. Other common causes of ingrown toenails are improperly fitting shoes, long nails that are rounded, an injury, and genetics. People with diabetes, and those who have fungal infections, are overweight or have toe deformities are further at risk of an ingrown toenail. If an ingrown toenail is causing increased pain or showing signs of infection, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist for safe and antiseptic treatment.

Ingrown toenails can become painful if they are not treated properly. For more information about ingrown toenails, contact Barry P. Weinstein, DPM of Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows sideways into the bed of the nail, causing pain, swelling, and possibly infection.


  • Bacterial infections
  • Improper nail cutting such as cutting it too short or not straight across
  • Trauma to the toe, such as stubbing, which causes the nail to grow back irregularly
  • Ill-fitting shoes that bunch the toes too close together
  • Genetic predisposition


Because ingrown toenails are not something found outside of shoe-wearing cultures, going barefoot as often as possible will decrease the likeliness of developing ingrown toenails. Wearing proper fitting shoes and using proper cutting techniques will also help decrease your risk of developing ingrown toenails.


Ingrown toenails are a very treatable foot condition. In minor cases, soaking the affected area in salt or antibacterial soaps will not only help with the ingrown nail itself, but also help prevent any infections from occurring. In more severe cases, surgery is an option. In either case, speaking to your podiatrist about this condition will help you get a better understanding of specific treatment options that are right for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Ingrown Toenails

Itchy feet can come from a variety of causes. It can be extremely uncomfortable and disruptive to one’s life, especially if it is chronic. Itchiness, or pruritis, can be cutaneous, systemic, neuropathic, psychogenic, or a combination of these factors. Cutaneous itchiness means the itch results from a problem on the surface of the skin. Systemic itchiness comes from something going on throughout the body. Neuropathic itching is related to the nerves or nervous system. And psychogenic itchiness arises from a psychological issue. One possible reason for itchy feet is diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes involves insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels, which can have serious health consequences. Neuropathy, often associated with diabetes, can cause tingling, itchiness, and numbness in the feet. Poor circulation from diabetes can also cause itchiness. If you have diabetes, it is strongly suggested that you include a podiatrist on your medical team for regular foot examinations and diagnosis of anything abnormal going on with your feet.

Diabetic foot care is important in preventing foot ailments such as ulcers. If you are suffering from diabetes or have any other concerns about your feet, contact Barry P. Weinstein, DPM from Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes affects millions of people every year. The condition can damage blood vessels in many parts of the body, especially the feet. Because of this, taking care of your feet is essential if you have diabetes, and having a podiatrist help monitor your foot health is highly recommended.

The Importance of Caring for Your Feet

  • Routinely inspect your feet for bruises or sores.
  • Wear socks that fit your feet comfortably.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that provide adequate support.

Patients with diabetes should have their doctor monitor their blood levels, as blood sugar levels play such a huge role in diabetic care. Monitoring these levels on a regular basis is highly advised.

It is always best to inform your healthcare professional of any concerns you may have regarding your feet, especially for diabetic patients. Early treatment and routine foot examinations are keys to maintaining proper health, especially because severe complications can arise if proper treatment is not applied.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Diabetic Foot Care
Tuesday, 14 March 2023 00:00

Foot Problems From Wearing High Heels

Wearing high heels can impact your feet negatively. While sometimes, no other style will fit with an outfit, the risks of wearing such shoes should be known and their use should be limited. High heels can cause pain and blisters, but they can also injure the ankles or cause stress fractures, as well as make existing foot problems worse. Wearing high heels can also cause pain in the body beyond the feet. One might practice walking in high heels before they are worn, perform stretching and strengthening foot exercises, and soak the feet to try and ward off foot problems. If you have additional questions or concerns about wearing high heels, or if you have foot pain from wearing them, it is suggested that you talk to a podiatrist and obtain an examination of your feet.

High heels have a history of causing foot and ankle problems. If you have any concerns about your feet or ankles, contact Barry P. Weinstein, DPM from Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Effects of High Heels on the Feet

High heels are popular shoes among women because of their many styles and societal appeal.  Despite this, high heels can still cause many health problems if worn too frequently.

Which Parts of My Body Will Be Affected by High Heels?

  • Ankle Joints
  • Achilles Tendon – May shorten and stiffen with prolonged wear
  • Balls of the Feet
  • Knees – Heels cause the knees to bend constantly, creating stress on them
  • Back – They decrease the spine’s ability to absorb shock, which may lead to back pain.  The vertebrae of the lower back may compress.

What Kinds of Foot Problems Can Develop from Wearing High Heels?

  • Corns
  • Calluses
  • Hammertoe
  • Bunions
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Plantar Fasciitis

How Can I Still Wear High Heels and Maintain Foot Health?

If you want to wear high heeled shoes, make sure that you are not wearing them every day, as this will help prevent long term physical problems.  Try wearing thicker heels as opposed to stilettos to distribute weight more evenly across the feet.  Always make sure you are wearing the proper shoes for the right occasion, such as sneakers for exercising.  If you walk to work, try carrying your heels with you and changing into them once you arrive at work.  Adding inserts to your heels can help cushion your feet and absorb shock. Full foot inserts or metatarsal pads are available. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Effect of High Heels on the Feet
Wednesday, 08 March 2023 00:00

A Bunionette Is Known as a Tailor’s Bunion

A small bunion that forms on the side of the pinky toe is called a bunionette. Many people refer to this as a tailor’s bunion, and it occurs when the bottom bone on the pinky toe shifts or becomes larger. This name originated hundreds of years ago when tailors would work with their legs crossed, causing the pinky toes to touch the ground. This would cause a small bump to form on the base of the little toe. It often rubs against the shoe, causing pain and discomfort. A common reason for a tailor’s bunion to develop is from wearing shoes that do not fit correctly. Additionally, loose ligaments, tight calf muscles, or a foot that leans to the outside may be causes for a tailor’s bunion to form. Temporary relief may come from choosing shoes with adequate room in the toe area and wearing a protective pad over the bunion. If you have this condition, it is suggested that you confer with a podiatrist who can provide you with permanent relief, which may include minor surgery for removal.

If you are suffering from bunion pain, contact Barry P. Weinstein, DPM of Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is a Bunion?

Bunions are painful bony bumps that usually develop on the inside of the foot at the joint of the big toe. As the deformity increases over time, it may become painful to walk and wear shoes. Women are more likely to exacerbate existing bunions since they often wear tight, narrow shoes that shift their toes together. Bunion pain can be relieved by wearing wider shoes with enough room for the toes.


  • Genetics – some people inherit feet that are more prone to bunion development
  • Inflammatory Conditions - rheumatoid arthritis and polio may cause bunion development


  • Redness and inflammation
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Callus or corns on the bump
  • Restricted motion in the big toe

In order to diagnose your bunion, your podiatrist may ask about your medical history, symptoms, and general health. Your doctor might also order an x-ray to take a closer look at your feet. Nonsurgical treatment options include orthotics, padding, icing, changes in footwear, and medication. If nonsurgical treatments don’t alleviate your bunion pain, surgery may be necessary.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about What Are Bunions?
Tuesday, 07 March 2023 00:00

Reminder: When Was the Last Time...?

Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, should be periodically replaced. Orthotics must fit properly to give you the best results. Protect your feet and ankles!

Tuesday, 28 February 2023 00:00

Stiffness in the Ankle After Running

Many runners experience stiffness in their ankles after running. This is a common side effect of the amount of force that passes through the ankle during a run. It can affect the range of motion and mobility of the ankle. In some cases, it may become difficult to bear weight and lead to limping. Studies have indicated that the faster you run, the more likely you are to develop ankle stiffness. Further, the way you run may affect the ankle as well. For example, a heel-first footstrike is more likely to contribute to ankle stiffness than a toe-first style of running. Other possible causes of ankle stiffness include a sprain, arthritis, or plantar fasciitis. Lastly, check the wear and tear on your running shoes. It may be time to replace them, which is recommended by running experts between 350 and 500 miles. Shoes that lack ample support may contribute to ankle stiffness after running. For an examination and diagnosis to determine the cause of your ankle stiffness, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist before it gets worse. 

Ankle pain can be caused by a number of problems and may be potentially serious. If you have ankle pain, consult with Barry P. Weinstein, DPM from Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Ankle pain is any condition that causes pain in the ankle. Due to the fact that the ankle consists of tendons, muscles, bones, and ligaments, ankle pain can come from a number of different conditions.


The most common causes of ankle pain include:

  • Types of arthritis (rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, and gout)
  • Ankle sprains
  • Broken ankles
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Stress fractures
  • Bursitis
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis


Symptoms of ankle injury vary based upon the condition. Pain may include general pain and discomfort, swelling, aching, redness, bruising, burning or stabbing sensations, and/or loss of sensation.


Due to the wide variety of potential causes of ankle pain, podiatrists will utilize a number of different methods to properly diagnose ankle pain. This can include asking for personal and family medical histories and of any recent injuries. Further diagnosis may include sensation tests, a physical examination, and potentially x-rays or other imaging tests.


Just as the range of causes varies widely, so do treatments. Some more common treatments are rest, ice packs, keeping pressure off the foot, orthotics and braces, medication for inflammation and pain, and surgery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Various Causes of Ankle Pain

Many elderly people who fall go to emergency departments as a result of serious injuries. These may include a broken foot, ankle, toe, or other types of foot condition. It is beneficial for older patients to have routine physical and eye examinations performed. This is helpful in monitoring existing medications and eyeglasses that may cause dizziness and imbalance, which can possibly lead to falling. Many elderly have family members or caregivers who can help to improve lighting in the living environment and remove worn rugs from the steps. Additionally, the elderly person may feel more secure when there are grab bars installed in the shower and toilet area. Wearing shoes that fit correctly is an effective fall prevention technique, and using a walker or can improve mobility. If you would like more information about how to protect elderly people from falling, a podiatrist can give you efficient procedures.

Preventing falls among the elderly is very important. If you are older and have fallen or fear that you are prone to falling, consult with Barry P. Weinstein, DPM from Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality advice and care.

Every 11 seconds, an elderly American is being treated in an emergency room for a fall related injury. Falls are the leading cause of head and hip injuries for those 65 and older. Due to decreases in strength, balance, senses, and lack of awareness, elderly persons are very susceptible to falling. Thankfully, there are a number of things older persons can do to prevent falls.

How to Prevent Falls

Some effective methods that older persons can do to prevent falls include:

  • Enrolling in strength and balance exercise program to increase balance and strength
  • Periodically having your sight and hearing checked
  • Discuss any medications you have with a doctor to see if it increases the risk of falling
  • Clearing the house of falling hazards and installing devices like grab bars and railings
  • Utilizing a walker or cane
  • Wearing shoes that provide good support and cushioning
  • Talking to family members about falling and increasing awareness

Falling can be a traumatic and embarrassing experience for elderly persons; this can make them less willing to leave the house, and less willing to talk to someone about their fears of falling. Doing such things, however, will increase the likelihood of tripping or losing one’s balance. Knowing the causes of falling and how to prevent them is the best way to mitigate the risk of serious injury.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Falls Prevention

Swelling is defined as specific areas of the body becoming larger, and this pertains to the feet and ankles. There are various reasons for the feet to swell, including enduring a foot or ankle injury, pregnancy, and medical conditions such as lymphedema. Additionally, taking specific medications may cause the feet to swell. These can consist of hormones, antidepressants, or medicine for diabetes. Research has shown that eating certain foods may be linked to having swollen feet. Foods that are regularly eaten such as processed, refined, and salted may increase the chances of developing swollen feet. Foods that are made with a large amount of sugar and fats such as vegetable oil may also be linked to having swollen feet. If your feet and ankles are swollen and become uncomfortable, please consult with a podiatrist who can guide you toward determining the reason for this condition and offer correct treatment methods.

Swollen feet can be a sign of an underlying condition. If you have any concerns, contact Barry P. Weinstein, DPM of Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Swollen feet are a common ailment among pregnant women and people who stand or sit for extended periods. Aging may increase the possibility of swollen feet and patients who are obese often notice when their feet are swelling too. There may be medical reasons why swollen feet occur:

  • Phlebitis - A condition that causes the veins to become inflamed and can also cause leg pain.
  • Liver disease - This may lead to low blood levels of albumin which is a protein. This can cause fluid in the blood to pass into the tissues and several areas of the body can become swollen.
  • Heart failure - When the heart doesn’t pump properly the blood that is normally pumped back to the heart can pool in the veins of the legs causing swollen feet.
  • Kidney disease - One of the main functions of the kidneys is releasing excess fluid in the body. This type of condition can make it difficult for the kidneys to function properly, and as a result the feet may become swollen.
  • Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT)- This is a serious condition where blood clots form in the veins of the legs. They can block the return of blood from the legs to the heart which may cause the feet to swell. It is important to be treated by a podiatrist if this condition is present.

Swollen feet can also be caused by bone and tendon conditions, including fractures, arthritis, and tendinitis. Additionally, there may be skin and toenail conditions and an infection may cause the feet to swell. Patients who take medicine to treat high blood pressure may be prone to getting swollen feet. 

Many patients elevate their feet to help relieve the swelling and this is generally a temporary remedy. When a podiatrist is consulted the reason behind the swelling can be uncovered and subsequently treated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.


Read more about Swelling of the Feet
Tuesday, 07 February 2023 00:00

Down at the Heels

Heel pain can happen for a variety of reasons. While it can be caused by a systemic illness, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis, it often develops from overuse. Common causes of heel pain include plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and Achilles tendonitis. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, the band of tissue that runs from the heel to the toes on the sole of the foot. This can happen when the plantar fascia is overloaded or overstretched and small tears may develop. A heel spur is an abnormal bony growth at the junction of the plantar fascia and heel bone. A spur can come from strain on the plantar fascia and muscles of the foot. Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. It is triggered by overuse, particularly excessive jumping in sports. With all these conditions, ill fitting or worn out shoes can aggravate the problem. If you have heel pain that does not respond to rest, shoes that fit well, and are appropriate for your activity, please see a podiatrist who can properly diagnose the problem and provide treatment.

Many people suffer from bouts of heel pain. For more information, contact Barry P. Weinstein, DPM of Bellaire Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain is often associated with plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a band of tissues that extends along the bottom of the foot. A rip or tear in this ligament can cause inflammation of the tissue.

Achilles tendonitis is another cause of heel pain. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon will cause pain from fractures and muscle tearing. Lack of flexibility is also another symptom.

Heel spurs are another cause of pain. When the tissues of the plantar fascia undergo a great deal of stress, it can lead to ligament separation from the heel bone, causing heel spurs.

Why Might Heel Pain Occur?

  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes                  
  • Wearing non-supportive shoes
  • Weight change           
  • Excessive running


Heel pain should be treated as soon as possible for immediate results. Keeping your feet in a stress-free environment will help. If you suffer from Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis, applying ice will reduce the swelling. Stretching before an exercise like running will help the muscles. Using all these tips will help make heel pain a condition of the past.

If you have any questions please contact one of our offices located in Bellaire and Houston, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Heel Pain
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